Communication, Confidence, success Roar! Editor Communication, Confidence, success Roar! Editor

Navigating confidence at work when returning to the office

With companies previously shifting to remote-first overnight and now the discourse moving to how we start to return, with so much change constantly occurring, what does this mean for our self confidence in the workplace? What can we do to keep it topped up on days we need a little support whether at home or in the office?

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Confidence, success Roar! Editor Confidence, success Roar! Editor

Speaking infront of people is terrifying. 10 quickfire tips to make it easier

I used to be terrified of public speaking. I knew that if I had to present in front of a group, my heart would start racing, my hands would shake uncontrollably, and the words would get all jumbled up in my head. Luckily for me, there are some really great tools out there that have helped me conquer this fear! Read our 10 quick fire tips

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Interviews, success Roar! Editor Interviews, success Roar! Editor

Roar Meets: Ifty Nasir, CEO of Vestd

I spent the bulk of my career in the energy industry where I worked my way up to Vice President at BP. It was a great ride but I wanted to make a big change and step into entrepreneurship. My thinking was that this would give me more time to spend with my family, but I also had a big ambition to help startups and SMEs.

The eventual result was Vestd! The platform provides a secure, cost-effective way to share ownership with employees, consultants, advisors, NEDs, contractors and anyone else who is important to the success of a company.

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Business Roar! Editor Business Roar! Editor

A Roadmap to Legally Protecting Your Business

Starting out in business can feel daunting. There is a lot of financial pressure and there isn’t always the surety when you start out that you will be able to create regular recurring income. One element that can put people off starting a business is that they simply don’t feel like they know how to do so without breaking the law. The idea of running a legally compliant business stops budding entrepreneurs from ever starting out.

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