success Roar! Editor success Roar! Editor

Being a working mum: tribes and tribulations

A decade down the line feels like the right time to reflect on a career and more so what it now means to be a working mother. The support for women who are continuing their careers, the people who are championing change in parliament, and the narrative of flexibility in the workplace is vast and evolving in more ways than we could have imagined post-pandemic.

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Uncategorised Roar! Editor Uncategorised Roar! Editor

Why ditching the work life balance is the key to a happier, healthier existence

There’s no denying that the world seems to be moving faster than ever before. With the acceleration of digital during the pandemic and social media trends moving at the speed of light, trying to find that all-important work/life balance is becoming increasingly more of a challenge. But what if we’ve got it all wrong and balance isn’t what we need to be striving for?

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wellbeing Roar! Editor wellbeing Roar! Editor

6 ways to combat stress at work

Every place of work is totally different, and the nuanced challenges each person faces mean that there’s no silver bullet for addressing stress at work. Of course, there are all sorts of tips around productivity, communication and time management that can go a long way to easing pressure and stress. For example, 78% of people said that work stress (eg. deadlines, workloads, understaffing) was the main issue causing mental wellbeing problems at their organisation (AXA Study 2020). Tight organisational processes and adequate resourcing can go a hell of a long way to easing a lot of pressure that creates stress and overwhelm at work.

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