Kickstart your confidence
Words by Dionne Ruddock
“I just don’t have the confidence to wear that” I wish I had the confidence to do that.”
Have you ever said those words?
Confidence for some seems to go missing and they feel it’s attached to things such as their weight, their marital status, their dress size, or just the way they look in general.
“Once I’m a size 12 I’ll be confident”. Absolute crap!
Confidence is a MINDSET. So, if you want to FEEL more confident throw away the scales, and let's focus on you and your thoughts.
You are worthy of feeling like a powerful woman, yes you! You are worthy of knowing exactly how to ignite your inner power and feel like a beautiful Queen.
So, I'm going to give you a few tips on how to kick start your confidence and ignite your inner power.
“Confidence comes not from always being right but from not fearing to be wrong.”
Wear what makes you feel good
When you look good you feel good. S
top hiding behind the clothes that no longer flatter you and put on clothes that make you feel good!
Stop waiting for the ideal occasion and seize the day. Put on the lipstick you love, wear the perfume daily that you save for special occasions.
If it makes you feel good do more of it and often. You’ll exude a different energy because you FEEL good and that is the first step in transforming your confidence.
Watch your thoughts
When your confidence is low your thoughts are probably disempowering too.
Start being aware of your thoughts. Are they positive? Are they empowering you? Do they make you feel good?
If the answer is no, change them. Your energy flows to where your focus is. If you are focusing on all the things that have gone wrong in your life, what you don’t have, all the people that have let you down and replaying negative scenarios I can guarantee that your confidence will stay low.
Start focusing only on things you have complete control over and take action towards them.
Focus on possibilities, your goals, your achievements and that will start to kick start your confidence.
Stop the comparison
The quickest way to deflate your confidence is by comparing yourself to others. You aren’t like the others your journey, your dreams, your goals, your strengths have been gifted to you.
Somebody else's beauty doesn’t mean that you aren’t beautiful. Somebody else’s success doesn't mean that you aren’t successful.
Focus on you and your strengths, the only thing that you need to compare is your progress against your goals.
Delete and unfollow
As your confidence starts to increase you may notice people, situations, or even social media accounts that leave you feeling disempowered and trigger negative feelings.
Take back your power by deleting contacts, unfollowing people, removing yourself from situations and social media accounts that lower your energy and leave you feeling unhappy and flat.
Protect you and your inner peace at all costs. This is a journey of self-discovery, love and peace and you should be aware of anything that compromises that.
“Courage starts with showing up and letting ourselves be seen”
Snatch back your power
Snatch back your power by setting boundaries and speaking up. You’re worthy of creating and living the life of your dreams. It’s your birth right to explore and identify your full potential.
If you don’t like something, say. If you want something, ask for it.
Get comfortable with the uncomfortable feeling. Push past your comfort zone and that’s where you’ll discover the real magic happens and your confidence propels forward.
Dionne Ruddock is a certified International Life Coach, hypnotherapist, timeline and anxiety therapist and career coach who teaches women how to master their mindset which lies at the core of their success.