Video: Increase your earning potentialšŸ”„

Video transcript:

ccs auto generated: why it's important to celebrate yourself.

This is one of my favorite

things to talk about, because so

one of the things I say a lot

in my coaching programs is what

gets celebrated, gets repeated.

I'm going to say that again. What

gets celebrated gets repeated.

So think back to when you were a

child or if you have Children,

think about them. So when they do

something right or well like,

what do we do? We celebrate them.

That behavior becomes modeled

and consequently programmed within

us. If we're doing something

good, we get celebrated and rewarded.

And so consequently we

repeat that behavior as humans.

We have something called the

negativity buyers. I talk about

this a lot, but what it means

is we are genetically predisposed

to focus on the negative.

So if you think back to when we

first evolved, everything was

a danger. Everything was a threat.

So it is in our genetic interest

to focus on things that are threats

to focus on things that are

dangerous. And this is so much the

case that research has shown

that the average human brain scans

for threat 300 times a minute.

We're always doing it would be

in danger. Is that danger?

And I say from my safe, Is it okay?

Potential areas that we can

fail or get all look stupid or get

laughed at This is how we're

built. It's a genetic baseline.

So we have to We simply have

to get into the habit of self

celebration. And if not,

we're more likely to hold on to

integrate store and remember

the negative events more than

the positive. So I'll give you

an example of this one that I'm

sure you know. Okay, so you go

to a meeting or a job interview,

whatever is and it goes,

well, you're kind of like on it.

You're like communicating well,

you feel like you've got a good

for a poor. And then at the end,

the client, the interviewee, Whoever

is says to you, thank you

so much for that. There was just

this one little thing that I

didn't quite like. So we leave

that interview that otherwise

has been brilliant. And now that

whole thing was a disaster.

The whole thing was a write off because

of the one small negative

thing. Research has also shown

we are so much more likely to

remember the critical or the negative

feedback we get than the

positive. What this means is so many

of us are just walking around

the world, absolutely nailing

it, and we can't even see it.

So it is our job as humans, I believe.

In fact, I know to make

sure that our attention goes to

those things we want to stick,

Repeat, do again. And one of the

most effective ways to do that

is to take a moment to acknowledge

ourselves. Now. It doesn't

have to be huge. It can just be

at the end of the day, if you've

had a few difficult meetings.

If you've managed to take care

of the kids well, if you managed

to nail that conference call

like whatever is take a moment

to just be like, Hey, good job,

a small pat on the back. You can

maybe just play your favorite

song. You can maybe just take a moment

to just acknowledge yourself.

It can be anything but we have to

do it because your brain won't

do it naturally. So take the time

and maybe develop a practice

of at the end of every single day

right out the things that you

have done well and acknowledge

yourself for it developed that

habit. And slowly, over time that

habit will start to seep in

and become real deep, meaningful,

impactful confidence,

Good luck.


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