5 ways to give yourself a break in the workplace

Though at times we might wish we could, sadly we can’t just jet off to a secluded island every time we feel stressed out at work. Sometimes we’ve just got to find other ways to give ourselves a break.

According to research from CV-Library, three-quarters of workers feel that employers should do more to promote self-care in the workplace.  

“Unfortunately, many businesses have habitually underestimated the importance of self-care in the workplace,” said Lee Biggins, CEO and founder of CV-Library.

“The pandemic has brought mental health to the forefront and this survey highlights just how important it is to the vast majority UK professionals. Businesses need to play catch up and we can all put in more focus and effort upon the mental health of our employees.”

In light of this, here are five little things you can do to look after your mental health at work and put your wellbeing first.

Take a deep breath

It might seem obvious, but never underestimate the benefits of taking a step back and a big, deep breath! Sometimes work can become overwhelming, but good breathing can be powerful.

There are a number of recommended breathing exercises from the NHS, which can help to relieve stress and anxiety.

So if you find yourself feeling overwhelmed at work, have five minutes to yourself and take a deep breath. It’s amazing how effective this simple technique can be.

Go for a walk

Depending on the nature of your work, you might find yourself sitting at a desk all day. Unfortunately, this can have a number of negative implications on your health.

So, we suggest taking a break and going for a walk when you can. This might be a five to ten-minute walk every few hours, or a nice brisk walk on your lunch break.

Either way, getting some exercise and fresh air is great for beating stress and clearing your mind. Plus, you could listen to some motivational podcasts, or chat to a loved one while you’re at it.

Speak to your manager

There is still a real stigma around talking about your mental health. Some people feel embarrassed about it, or like they may be judged for feeling a certain way.

But, if you have a good relationship with your manager, or you feel comfortable enough speaking to them, it can be helpful to talk about what’s going on.

Set up a short meeting to let them know how you’re feeling. It’s likely that they’ll admire your honesty and want to help you to feel better.

They might be able to offer you some advice or find ways to help make your working life easier. Most employers offer mental health support to their employees nowadays.

Confide in a colleague

If you don’t feel confident enough speaking to your manager, you might have a close colleague you can confide in instead.

Perhaps send them an email explaining what’s going on, or have a chat with them on your lunch break.

It can be extremely freeing just to talk about the problem (or write it down). Plus, they may be able to give you some advice or find ways to make you feel better.

Remember, everyone has their own struggles. You never know; if you confide in a colleague, it may encourage them to talk about their feelings too.

Organise your desk

You know what they say; a tidy desk ensures a tidy mind. Organising your workspace can make you more productive and help you to feel calmer.

De-clutter your desk or drawers and perhaps even add a photo or a plant to brighten it up.

Having a workspace that you’re proud of and that helps you to be efficient and productive can work wonders for your mental health.

This can also help to reduce stress and make you feel more prepared for the day ahead.