Vocal coach to the stars has 5 hacks to help in any job interview

Interviewing?  Candidates can’t just turn up and stand out from the crowd.  In a high pressured interview environment, the answer to a question is just as important as the speed at which its answered.  Slowing down allows time for the brain to process and adapt answers and the speed with which an answer is delivered cements an instant reaction by an interviewer. 

The voice is the number one communication tool for setting a tone of calm, confidence, control and more - and something we often take for granted. 

As one of our most important communication tools, it must always be front and centre.  The Voice Box and Vocal Cords can be trained, just like any other muscle in the human body.  

Understanding how these create sounds and how to use their voice leads to control in numerous settings - including that all-important job interview.

CeCe Sammy-Lightfoot, is vocal coach to the likes of Diana Ross, Sting, One Direction and Julio Iglesias, and the behind the scenes coach of some of the world’s most popular music-based TV shows; The Voice, the X Factor and American Idol, has created a short and free Hack Your Voice Masterclass to support interviews, during which she shares some of the key lessons she has learned as a professional vocal coach. 

Top tips to maximise your voice

A candidate is alone in their interview process and so must consider their voice as a key element to success in an interview. Alongside other obvious planning for an interview; researching the interviewer, the job role itself, culture and the business itself. 

Here are CeCe’s simple tips to maximise the qualities your voice can bring to an interview.

 Focus on your posture allowing your freedom for your voice

Pretend there is a string going from the base of your spine through the top of your head that is pulling up.

Be aware of this string and how tall it is. If you start slouching, the string will become very floppy but you need to keep it tight. By imagining this, it may help you to keep your posture upright and tall which in turn will help your voice sound confident, despite the nerves.

Controlling the voice in a heightened pressured state

Find the middle range of your voice by doing “the descent exercise”. A “descent exercise” would help to feel how the high voice could naturally transfer into the chest area.

This “chest area” voice will help the person to speak clearly and not to speak too fast or too high.  It would project a greater sense of calm and control.

Make your entrance

Film yourself and look back at how you walked into the room.

As you look at what you have filmed, look at your shoulders to see if you are slouching and make sure that you’re smiling.

Your interview is a performance, fine tune the key deliverables

As you film yourself, say in one sentence “who you are”, “what you do”, and “why you are good for this job”.

Do not get distracted. Those are your key points. It is also very helpful to create an “edited” version of what you will say in an interview.  I would not suggest scripting what you want to say as that can sound unnatural and prevent you expressing your personality, but it is helpful to be clear in advance about the key points you want to convey.  

Embrace you, project the best version of yourself

In your interview, you need the interviewer to remember you above the other people that have been seen. 

The impression you want to leave with an interviewer is going to depend on the role you are going for. But some things remain the same whatever that role may be - you want to show the best version of yourself - be authentic, project confidence and competence.

 Always excel at the basics.  Use the voice to project your worth for the job and, ensure it’s used to its highest potential.