A whole life coach on how to become the master of your life

Note: the views expressed in this article are solely the subjective views of its author, based on their personal experiences, and are not necessarily representative of Roar!

Lisa Mitchell is a ‘Whole Life Coach’ for Visionaries and Entrepreneurs & Podcast Host of Visionary Founders Podcast.

Lisa said; “Becoming the master of your own life is a subject I am very passionate about, partly because it has been a big part of my own evolution and growth over the last three years and also because this is something that gives true freedom to my clients. Being a creator not a reactor is totally liberating in your life.

“There are two places we can live from  – true power and circumstantial power. What do I mean by that? Well most of us live driven by our circumstances. When the circumstances of our life line up, we are happy. If we have a good day at work, a nice night out with our partner, our kids behave and we feel like good parents, we feel like we are moving forward with our life. But, when circumstances don’t line up, we are unhappy. So, if I have a work relationship that bothers me, or a partner who doesn’t support me, or I feel unhappy with who I am, then I am unhappy.  And this is perfectly natural right? I am not at all suggesting that we put a gloss over everything. I think we should absolutely feel our feelings whether society has labelled them ‘good’ or ‘bad’. In fact, I think one of the disservices the personal development industry has done in the last few years is to get us to flip our emotions instantly from the ‘negative’ to the ‘positive’, or to find ways to escape our more ‘negative’ emotions by doing something that makes us feel good. The problem with this though is that they just get stored inside which means they will come back and bite us at some stage!

“When I talk about being master of your reality, I am talking about creating on a whole different level. 

“What if you could be happy, on track and fulfilled no matter what your personal circumstances? Then you are in true power! It is an energetic game and true power and happiness comes from within. 

“I have always tried to practice this in my life. To create from my inner not outer world. I meditate, I journal, I have a coach myself… I know that when I set up my day right, everything runs differently. But, I truly got this when going through my divorce in the last three years. I realised that I was giving my power away to my ex-partner constantly. That I was allowing him to control how I felt and it was like being a puppet on a string – constantly up and down. Then one day I had a lightbulb moment – sitting on a train going into London in the midst of an acrimonious divorce – I realised that I was really happy. It was weird to me because none of my circumstances lined up with this. I realised I was happy despite my circumstances – and ever since then I have felt a sense of power and control in my life that I had never experienced before. 

“So, I want this for you and all the people I work with as a whole life coach. Just imagine it? If you could feel happy no matter what? Imagine what that would do for you and your life? 

“I call this living from the ‘inside out’ - creating your reality emotionally and energetically and then watching as the circumstances line up around you. That is the way it will work for you – line your energy up first, become the creator of your reality and watch the circumstances line up around you. You are bigger and more powerful than any circumstance in your life and you always have a choice in how you respond. 

“What if all the circumstances in your life where here to serve you? What if you could step back and take a bigger view of them? I knew, even when it was happening, that my divorce was transformational for me. That I would be a ‘resilience ninja’ at the end of it. That I am always bigger than my circumstances.  

“A tricky boss is an opportunity to look at your relationships with the masculine and power. Things blocking you from what you really want to do? Look at what needs to be healed and cleared. The truth is that you are always the creator of your reality – consciously or not. So, you may as well start to choose! 

I encourage you today, to take your power back with these 5 tips. 

  1. Set up yourself and your day before your circumstances kick in. I like to journal, do a connection exercise, walk my dog, work out. Do whatever connects you to your body and to your bigger purpose and vision in your life.

  2. When you find yourself ‘triggered’, come back to this centred place. Remind yourself that you are bigger than any circumstance in your life. Be curious. What is this here to teach you? How will you grow and expand as a result of this experience? What will you know looking back?

  3. If something needs to be processed, allow yourself to feel everything you feel – rant it out, journal it, don’t make it ‘nice’. Let the emotions out but don’t give them meaning – don’t let them tell you something that isn’t true about yourself.

  4. Know that the Universe has your back – everything that happens has meaning and purpose and is an opportunity to learn. When I breath and connect to this it always allows me to let go.

  5. Take regular time out to connect to your desires and what you really want in your life. You can’t be the creator of your reality if you don’t know what you want!

If you want to know more, check out episode 6 of the Visionary Founders podcast.  The podcast can be found here  - https://podfollow.com/visionary-founders-podcast-with-lisa-mitchell