How can women build high-status networks?
New research has found that men are more likely to leverage co-location and face-to-face interactions to build high-status connections. Women, by contrast, are more effective at connecting with high-status colleagues via third-party ties.
These findings come from research by Gianluca Carnabuci, professor of organizational behavior at ESMT Berlin, who – alongside his colleagues Carla Rua-Gomez from Skema Business School and Martin C. Goossen from Old Dominion University – explored the impact of gender when it comes to building high-status networks in the workplace.
Previous research had shown that it is harder for women to gain access to their organization’s high-status networks, which is consequential because high-status connections can boost one’s performance and career outcomes. What prior research did not tell us, however, is which factors might help women build high-status connections.

To address this question, the researchers collected data on how people formed collaboration ties within the R&D laboratories of the 42 largest pharmaceutical companies over 25 years (1985-2010). Through this large-scale data set, they studied who succeeded at entering the collaboration network of the highest-status colleagues in their lab (the lab’s “star” scientists), and how they did so.
They found two key pathways – geographic and network proximity – through which R&D scientists build ties with star colleagues. Geographic proximity means that someone works in the same geographic location as the star scientist, making it possible to interact face-to-face. Network proximity means being indirectly connected to the star scientist via a third party who can introduce, refer to, or vouch for you. While geographic and network proximity are useful for both men and women, the researchers found that gender determines which works best.
The researchers found that being in the same location as the star colleague is most beneficial for men because high-status actors tend to infer a colleague’s competence from stereotypically masculine signals, such as assertiveness and self-confidence, which are particularly salient in face-to-face interactions. By contrast, women are particularly effective at building high-status connections through the support of third-party ties because such indirect connections are a powerful means to counteract generalized gender stereotypes and highlight women’s distinctive strengths.
“There has long been the notion of the ‘old boys’ club’ in many organizations and contexts. It is a fact that networks at the highest level are predominantly male, and for women, it is very difficult to break into these networks. Yet building networks is a more nuanced process than most people think, and our research shows that women and men are most successful when using different approaches,” says Professor Carnabuci.

This research highlights the challenges and opportunities men and women face when building workplace networks. A key insight is that to create a more inclusive environment where all employees have equal opportunities to access high-status networks, organizations should design different support approaches for women and men.
While it is harder for women than for men to connect with high-status colleagues working in the same location, women are much better than men at connecting with high-status colleagues via third-party ties. This finding highlights the importance of designing interventions, such as mentorship programs, specifically to build third-party ties between low-status women and high-status colleagues.
Ignoring networks can damage or limit your career and leadership effectiveness
The right relationships and ties are an asset in getting access to information, earning promotions, and gaining opportunities.
Having the right network is a real differentiator — and it’s not about the number of contacts or connections you have. High-quality networks are open and varied, with people who don’t all know each other. They are diverse, crossing critical boundaries. And core relationships are deep, trusting, and mutually beneficial.
A McKinsey study found that 50% of a company’s intellectual capital is a “relational asset” and 75% of individual capital is their relationships. And leaders with the right kinds of networks are likely to be high performers.
Even though many professional women understand the value in making connections and having political skill, women networking with others can still be a struggling point.
It may be that women are hardwired toward deeper, more personal connections, so transactional relationships feel insincere, according to the thinking of some evolutionary biologists.
But regardless, if networking goes against your natural tendencies, you have some work to do.
Here are our tips on networking for women — and men — who struggle with it.

Take time to list or map out your network. To get a clear picture of your network, take a piece of paper and draw a circle in the middle. Write your name in the circle. Then write down the names of people you have strong connections with — put them close to your circle. Write the names of those with weak or distant ties farther away from your circle. Finally, ask yourself who should be in your network. Place them (either by name or role) farthest out on your paper.
Then look for patterns in your connections. Are your close ties limited by location or function? Who knows the people you want to know? Are relationships operational, personal, or strategic? Close or distant? Trusting and mutually beneficial? Superficial and one-sided? Vertically diverse? Is your network heavy with people who are similar to you or to each other? Do they all know each other? Is your network outdated just because it’s easier to avoid networking? The first step is to understand your network’s strengths and weaknesses.
With this insight, you can strategically ask for introductions or find other ways to meet or work with key people.
Identify what resources you need to do your job, have influence, and advance your career. You need a network of champions — mentors and sponsors to help you forge a path and position you for opportunities. Who in your network has those resources? What resources do you need access to, but have no one in your network to help you obtain? Start with what you need most from your network right now. Then consider what you will need down the road.
One tip: for women networking, finding a sponsor — a senior leader with influence who will advocate for a promotion — is critical, but finding one can be challenging.
Read the situation and really listen. Networking is just about connecting with the right people so you have greater insight — and more significant say. Politically astute managers find that by being honest and sincere in their relationships and requests, they inspire others to trust and have confidence in them.
Also, be a perceptive observer. Social astuteness — the ability to read and anticipate situations — allows you to prepare, adapt, and tailor your behaviour based on the people and conditions around you. One way to boost your powers of observation is to pay attention to the nonverbal behaviours of the people around you. In your next meeting, try to understand how people are feeling in addition to what they are saying. This idea applies to virtual meetings as well, but rather than watching, you’ll want to observe by listening.
Go beyond active listening to really hear and listen to understand where others are coming from.

Seek advice and let others know their input is important to you. Any relationship involves learning from other people and listening to what they have to offer, and doing so sincerely is critical for authentic leadership.
Asking for feedback is critical in building a network. If other team members feel you don’t care to hear their thoughts, they won’t offer input when you really need their expertise. Seek honest answers from your peers. Ask for earnest, straightforward feedback from your superiors. Again, however, those conversations come only by building a good relationship. To keep track of how you’re doing, do this regularly.
Ask directly for networking tips from colleagues and superiors. How do they advise you to expand your network? See if you can get honest feedback from coworkers or advisors on your influence style. Do people perceive your efforts as manipulative, insincere, or back-handed? Are you seen as trying too hard or taking way more than you give? Do you make promises you (or your team) can’t keep? Over time, a lack of integrity will weaken relationships, bring your credibility into question, and undermine your influence.
Reflect on what’s working. A concrete way to work on your network is to keep a “network notebook” for a week. Write down what you observe about how others interact. Note connections that seem to work and ones that misfire. Who seems isolated and why? By week’s end, check and see where your networking skills stack up against your observations.

Be in the know. Influential people are the ones who know what’s going on. Successful managers are resources about people, processes, facts, and history of a company or project. By becoming an information hub, those managers become people everyone wants in their network. Find out what you know and need to improve by cataloguing some of your information assets. Once you see your strengths, make sure you can find a way to let others incorporate your skills into their work habits. You’ll become a resource and possibly even a mentor seen as a valuable company member. This is part of building your leadership brand.
Build value and be patient. Strengthening your network doesn’t happen overnight. But once you’re clear about what kind of network is needed, you can begin by providing others value before you need resources. You can make choices now to build relationships that have value for the long term.
Certainly, you can grow your network by attending formal networking activities, including women networking groups and other significant events.
But also think of how to embed networking into daily work, such as volunteering for a new project, scheduling one-on-one meetings, asking connections for introductions, or acting as a mentor. Invite others into your realm, even if making time for a brief conversation before or after a meeting. Socializing outside of work, having lunch with people not in your “inner circle,” and referring a person to someone else — being a connector — are all good options.
Volunteer for assignments and get out of your comfort zone. The only way to do that is to raise your hand for the next project or assignment involving people outside your work group. Knowledge grows when relationships build, and it leads to more significant influence.
Just as relationships can be learned, so can the skills needed to strengthen your network. All are developed based on the concept that executives at any level must change how they lead others by growing their relationships. Building the right network is key to leading effectively, getting results, and developing your career. You can learn how to do it and be genuine simultaneously.