It's more important than ever for employers to support those surviving domestic abuse

Rsearch commissioned by Vodafone Foundation has found that a third of workers experienced domestic abuse during the last 12 months, with more than half of those saying that abuse had increased during the COVID19 pandemic.

Despite the increase in domestic abuse, only 16% of those surveyed said their workplace had a policy to support survivors. The new findings reaffirm the urgent need for employers to implement domestic violence and abuse policies that reflect changing post-pandemic hybrid working patterns. This includes the increasing role of the workplace as a ‘safe space’ for those experiencing abuse.

Opinium surveyed more than 4,700 workers across nine countries in September 2021, building on earlier research for Vodafone in 2020. The research found that:

  • One-in-three workers (32%) experienced domestic abuse during the last twelve months.

  • More than half (56%) of those who experienced domestic abuse in the last year said the COVID-19 pandemic had increased the frequency of their abuse.

  • A third (33%) of those who experienced domestic abuse in the last year said their workplace provided access to a safe space to work – despite many workplaces having to close, fully or partially.

  • Almost all (94%) workers who have experienced domestic abuse said it impacted their work performance, with a third (32%) stating it had also seriously affected their career progression.

  • Only 16% said their workplace had a dedicated policy supporting survivors of domestic abuse.

Vodafone has updated its Domestic Violence and Abuse toolkit in response to the research.   It includes new guidance on supporting survivors in different working patterns including office, hybrid or remote working.

Leanne Wood, Vodafone Group Chief Human Resources Officer, and Trustee, Vodafone Foundation, said: “Our research shows we need to build survivor support into our plans for post-COVID-19 ways of working. As we adopt hybrid working at Vodafone, survivor support is available for our employees irrespective of how or where they are working. By sharing our learnings, toolkit and solutions, we aim to help other employers adopt policies so that together, we can help to end the cycle of abuse.”

The Opinium research also found that children experience a range of negative impacts from knowing about domestic abuse. Half (49%) of workers who experienced abuse in their working life stage – and who have children – say their dependent children were aware of the abuse that they faced at the time, with three-in-ten (29%) saying their dependent child witnessed the abuse.

Half said their child was upset (54%) or scared (53%) by the abuse. Two fifths (40%) said their child felt anxious as a result, while 44% said their child wanted to be with them more. The negative impacts extended to their children’s education, with a quarter (24%) saying that their child started having problems at school, and 12% saying their child missed days off school as a result.

Help and advice:

National Domestic Violence Helpline website - 0808 2000 247 - A 24-hour helpline run by Women’s Aid and Refuge.

Men’s Advice Line website - 0808 801 0327 - A helpline providing advice and support for men experiencing domestic violence and abuse from a partner or ex-partner.

The ManKind Initiative for male victims of domestic abuse can be contacted on 01823 334 244

GALOP website - 0800 999 5428 - is a national Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Trans (LGBT) violence helpline providing support to all members of LGBT communities.

Women’s Aid website: A national charity for women and children, working to end domestic abuse.

Respect Phoneline website - 0808 802 4040 - a helpline offering advice, information and support for men who want to stop being violent and abusive towards their partner.