A behavioural change coach on how to transform limiting beliefs

Note: the views expressed in this article are solely the subjective views of its author, based on their personal experiences, and are not necessarily representative of Roar!

Beliefs are thoughts we hold about the world, other people and ourselves. They aren’t truth, but generalisations about what the world means, which gives us a sense of certainty. Belief is rooted in acceptance that something exists or is true, often without proof. Beliefs can be powerful, but they can also hold you back. A problem in your life is often the result of a belief or set of beliefs you might hold.

There is no such thing as a ‘bad’ or ‘good’ belief, but whether it is enabling or disabling. Ask yourself: are your beliefs holding you back in living the life you have always wanted? 

Our beliefs drive other beliefs and experiences we have of the world. For example, someone who believes ‘I can start my own company and it will be successful’ or ‘I can’t start my own company because I don’t have what it takes’. Their outcomes will be totally different. By changing a limiting belief, you can transform your identity. 

Transforming your limiting beliefs

So if you’d like a different outcome, you have to look at your supporting beliefs. 

I believe (sorry) that beliefs are not facts, they are subjective ideas we have about reality. That belief enables me to help people to change their lives. 

Just think about the world, there is not one universally-held and operated belief system we all hold. Beliefs are just ideas that we have committed to. But you can change them if they don’t support your purpose. 

With awareness of this, you now have choices about your beliefs. You once believed in Father Christmas and now you know different, you might have once believed that juice cleanse was the answer, now you know it was a pyramid scheme. How useful might it be to park a disabling belief you have about yourself now in the museum you left about Santa? 

I am sharing this exercise below which is invaluable at transforming limiting beliefs. 

Reframe to transform your limiting beliefs 

  1. Every time you say ‘I can’t’, ‘I shouldn’t, ‘I couldn’t - ask yourself why. What stops you? What would happen if you could?  What’s most important to you about this? What were you telling yourself this? 

  2. What do you want instead? What supporting belief will help you transform your problem? Do you need support in this? Do you need to learn skills? Do you have the appropriate environment?

  3. Monitor your internal voice, the self-chatter in your brain. You have autonomy, you decide how you would like to feel, the state you would like to hold. There’s a possibility you might hear a negative voice telling you you can’t. Is it useful? Did it come from you? If not could you imagine turning it down. Create the reality inside and outside of your mind that best supports your future.

I wonder now how easily it might be to consider doing the thing you have always wanted to do but never thought you could. 

Gemma Perlin is a behavioural change coach who helps people  like you do more of the things in their life they want, and less of the things they feel they should. If you are interested in identifying the limiting beliefs that hold you back book a free consultation with her now.

Instagram: www.instagram.com/gemma_perlin